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Dentistry is a branch of medicine, it deals not only with the teeth but also taking care of the craniofacial complex like supporting muscular, lymphatic, vascular, temporomandibular joint. The dentistry involves in the study of anatomical structures of oral. Dentistry is for the prevention, disorder diagnosis, treatment of disease. The dentistry market on the globe is one third of the medicine value. The cost of treatment is less due to the developed technology in the field of dental science.
The cosmetic dentistry is to enhance the dental feel in shading, shape, size, position, arrangement of the teeth and general grin appearance. This dentistry involves in the expansion of a dental material to teeth and gums, evacuation of gums and tooth structure. The best example for the cosmetic dentistry is a brace that uses to align the teeth arrangements. The material used for the braces are platinum, silver, ceramics, stainless steel, etc. The cosmetic dentistry includes the dental filling, dental veneers, dental bridges, root canals, cosmetic gum surgery, etc.
In dentistry the taking care of primary teeth that is from birth to adolescence is called paediatric dentistry. In children the teeth easily become rupture due to the dietary habits and poor oral hygiene, their teeth should be regularly checked by the dentist to prevent the dental problems. The dental visit within the first birthday of the kid should be done for the prevention measures. The early detection helps in the recognizable evidence for the early periods of oral habits and tooth condition.
Oral surgery is carried out by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. The surgeons should be expert to do this surgery procedure. The oral surgery is taken to treat of diseases, defects in the neck, hard, jaw, face, injuries, and to rectify any defects or injury in the hard and soft tissues of the face and maxillofacial region. Micro Vascular surgery and stem cell technology plays a prominent role in Oral and Maxillofacial region. The maxillomandibular advancement surgery is performed to treat the obstructive sleep apnoea.
Dental nurses play a prominent role in taking caring of the patient and maintaining medical records of them. The responsibility of dental nurses is comparable to the dentist. The dental nurses also trained to using the medical equipment, technologies used in the surgery. For dental nursing also certificate courses are provided by the universities. They also take part in active role on cavity preparation, dental filling, dental prophylaxis, drainage of abscess, extraction of waste material under the local anaesthesia.
The uncontrollable growth of cells in the oral region that is on mouth, gum, and in the tissue causes that invade and damage surrounding region. The oral cancer arises due to the poor hygiene practice, junk foods, smoking, etc, the cancer region appears like a swelling on the lips, gums or other areas inside the mouth. The treatment taken for the oral cancer is surgery to remove the affected area. After surgery that should be take care by the radiation or chemoradiation to reduce the chance of coming back. The treatment is mostly depending on the stage of the cancer
Dental Imaging technique is uses for the diagnosis of disorders in the oral region. The development of technology in the treatment procedure is huge and that is cost effective to the people. The treatment is depending on the diagnostic, so the diagnostic technique should be accurate and confidential. The radiation techniques are used mostly for diagnostic purpose that includes the computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging technique, intra-oral periapical X-rays. These techniques give the accurate result and makes the treatment easier.
Stem cell play a major role in the all medical disciplinary in that dental also make use of it. Teeth has limited response to the damage, so the dental pulp stem cells provide the cells to replace the damaged cell and to facilitate the repair. The periodontal ligament and growing roots have another part of stem cell. They are helpful in the dynamic roles in tooth function and development. The tooth pulps might contain mesenchymal stem cells serves for the severe tooth damage that penetrates both enamel and dentine and into the pulp stimulates a limited natural repair process.
The challenges in the implant are to achieve and maintain the Osseo integration as well as the epithelial junction pf the gingival of implants. For this purpose, nanotechnology is used in the implants. The improvements of nanoparticles and nanotubes in dentistry, periodontal administration, endodontics has developing part in the dental industry. New coating technologies are developed for applying the hydroxyapatite and related calcium phosphate for the dental implant’s (teeth). Even though nanotechnology plays a major role coating the materials.
Forensic odontology is the better possible taking care of examination and assessment of dental evidence. This will be then exhibited considering the legitimate concern for equity. Forensic odontology is the application of dental science to proper diagnosing of the dental evidence. This is mainly used in the criminal cases to identify the victims. The finished utilizing dental records include the radiographs, risk mortem and the post-mortem photos and DNA. The other way of conformation is that of chomp marks, left by the either the casualty, the culprit, or on a question found at the crimes.
The gum disease is primarily caused by the plaque and the other factors that causes the disease are hormonal changes, illnesses, medications, bad habits, poor oral hygiene habits, hereditary problem. The gum disease is diagnosed by the gum bleeding, swelling, firmness, the depth between the gum and the teeth, teeth movement, sensitivity and the jawbone breakdown. The treatment involves the reattachment of healthy gums to teeth. The treatment depends on the risk of infection, swelling size, the depth of pocket (between the teeth and gum). The gum disease can be prevented by proper plaque control practiced.
Digital impressions are the latest technology in capturing the replica of the mouth. A wand like tool connected a computer and advanced software, the virtual model of the hard and soft tissues in the mouth can be created by the dentist. The captured image is immediately sent to a lab where crowns, bridges, retainers, dentures can be quickly made and accurately. Patients with severe gag reflex or sensitive teeth can also have a more comfortable experience in the digital impression. The accuracy of the digital impression has high accuracy.
Dental pharmacology and therapeutics are escalating rapidly, it is a field that requires a regular update in the knowledge of new drugs, drug interactions, and therapeutics trends. The agents used for the therapeutics are antimicrobial agents, inflammatory drugs and anxiolytic agents. When the population becomes older and the drug consumption is subsequently increasing. The older people tend to have the chronic dental problem like the gum become loss and the teeth may lost. Using the clinical pharmacology and adverse drug interaction reduces the risk associated with the drug therapies and the implications of multiple drug therapy.
The modern methods are arrived to treat the dental disease, but the natural method is also helping for curing the disease. So, the combination of both the modern and natural method is holistic dentistry. Treatment incorporates differing a scope of methodologies and practices with the resistance to the utilization of amalgam in dental filling and careful methodologies. It is also referred to a biology dentistry, it is an alternative approach that focuses on the use of non-toxic restorative material for dental implants.
The condition of developmental absence of one or more teeth is known as Hypodontia. This defect my affect both the primary and permanent dentition. There are two types of dentition is present, one is deciduous and other one is permanent dentition. Tooth agenesis is the most frequent craniofacial malformation in humans. It may occur due to the recognised genetic syndrome or as a no syndromic isolated trait. In early prediction we can identify the cause for hypodontics like genetic or environmental factor.
Dental hygiene plays an important role in prevention of disease. The dental hygiene is the routine of keeping one’s mouth clean, free of infections by regular brushing and cleaning between the teeth and tongue. The most commonly occurring disease in the oral is teeth decay, gum diseases, periodontitis, etc. Take caring of the oral is must to prevent the future oral problems. The food habituate should be maintained properly, and the brushing should do twice in a day.
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention, identification, correction of malposition teeth and jaws. The orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics have speciality in dentistry that significance on the alignment of the teeth, dental arches, the maxilla and the mandible. Orthodontics includes the diagnosis, interception and other abnormalities of the developing or mature orofacial structure. The orthodontics includes braces, special fixed appliances, fixed space maintainers, aligners, palatal expander, head gear, etc.
Oral pathology relates to the sicknesses influencing the oral and maxillofacial region. The speciality in oral pathology is concerned with diagnosis and the study of causing agents that affects the oral region. The diagnosis is done by the biopsy when the result of pre-clinical test is not in proper. Biopsy is a surgical procedure that is the piece of living tissue is removed for the testing. The biopsy is categorised as three types. The oral disease may occur due to various reasons like hereditary, acquired, and external factors, etc.